the clear beliefs method

Training Details

Next Training begins September 14th, 2024
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Level 1: Introduction to Belief Transformation

Level 1 of the Clear Beliefs Training provides you with the scientific and philosophic foundation that provides you with a clear understanding of the mind, beliefs, developmental psychology, and our multidimensional nature.

You will examine Consciousness itself.  What is it? Where does it come from?  How does it function?

Gain powerful skills and coaching tools you can use immediately in your practice.  Learn where beliefs come from, how they form, and how they impact our lives and limit our possibilities. Learn how beliefs shape and color our adult personalities and impact our perceptions, choices, actions and reactions, and how they can prevent our success and reduce our potential to shine in the world.

You will examine your own limiting beliefs in detail, along with your core wounds and negative programming from the past.

Learn powerful processes for expanding awareness and becoming more present with others, including the Appreciation Process, which allows you to connect deeply with others and create a space in which magic can occur, and The BodyWisdom Process, a form of embodied mindfulness that allows you to communicate directly with the subconscious mind.

Used together, these techniques have been used to resolve physical pain, speed healing of old injuries, and to help clients with eating disorders, addictions, and other body-based symptoms of underlying traumas.

Lessons and Principles

  • What Beliefs Are & How They Function
  • Programming and Indoctrination
  • The Roots of Human Behavior
  • How Trauma Impacts Our Life
  • Beliefs, Creation, and Manifestation
  • Handling Resistance and Obstacles

Processes and Exercises

  • Belief Self-Diagnosis™
  • How Negative and Limiting Beliefs Limit Us
  • Developmental Psychology Basics
  • Development of Appreciation and Felt Sense
  • The BodyWisdom Process™

Level 2: Belief Transformation Mastery

Sand dunes

Learn the fundamental processes for clearing beliefs from the subconscious mind. This enables you to dissolve blocks and barriers, open new possibilities, and change the fundamental programs that have run your life.

You will learn to locate the Core Beliefs in your client’s subconscious mind. This is the cause of most issues and problems in daily life. When you discover a core belief, you can delete it completely and permanently from the psyche, and replace it with an empowering belief.  The BeliefCloset Process is a power-tool for consciousness change utilizing guided imagery to clear an inner wound or false belief that’s producing all the trouble. It is being used personally and professionally by hundreds of coaches, therapists, and healers worldwide.

This set of tools provides profound inner cleansing of our Human Operating System – the infrastructure beneath our thoughts, emotional reactions, choices, and actions. Learn how to remove blocks, barriers and resistance that prevent you (and your clients) from moving forward. It is a healing practice for the mind, freeing and awakening your client’s mind to be creative and effective.

You will practice each skill with other students with supervision from advanced Mentor Coaches, clear your own limiting beliefs as you learn to help others.

Lessons and Principles

  • How the Subconscious Mind Communicates
  • How the Deepest Core Beliefs Operate
  • Principles of the BeliefCloset Process™
  • Responding to Surprises in the Imaginal Realm
  • Modifying Processes for Children

Processes and Exercises

  • How to Find and Clear Core Beliefs
  • Uncovering Childhood Wounds
  • Working in the Imaginal Realm
  • The BeliefCloset™ Process
  • The Give-Back Ceremony™
  • Review and Preparation for Level 3

Level 3: Advanced Techniques and Parts Transformation

Level 3 includes the study and practice of advanced techniques to heal core wounds, resolve early traumas, and work with inner parts of the psyche.

These tools are practical processes you can use in your professional practice to help your clients shift at the core of the psyche. They can also be applied to clearing blocks and limitations, freeing your clients to create the personal and business life they desire. And you will apply every technique to yourself to hone your skills and your own self-mastery.

You will learn how to work with parts of the self (Inner Child, Inner Critic, Driver, Protector, etc.) through the use of advanced Voice Dialogue techniques, and you will gain a set of powerful tools for working with attachment styles in relationships. Other topics include intergenerational trauma, cultural conditioning, social programming, addictions, indoctrinated beliefs, and karma.

When you complete all the requirements, you will graduate as a Certified Therapeutic Coach, earning 40 hours of CCE Credits from the International Coach Academy or the Association for Coaching.

Lessons and Principles

  • Identity and Identification
  • Attachment Theory and the LoveStyles™
  • Working with Family and Cultural Beliefs
  • Healing Childhood and Collective Traumas
  • Transformation of Inner Voices
  • Coaching for Manifestation
  • Optimizing Your Client Sessions

Processes and Exercises

  • Connecting to the Inner Child
  • Rescuing the Inner Child™
  • Transformational Voice Dialogue™
  • Clearing the Deep Past
  • Healing Traumatic Events
  • Integration of the 12 Processes
  • The Ultimate Clearing Process™

Level 4: Create New Realities with Belief Technology

Level 4 of the Clear Beliefs Training is an advanced graduate program for those who want to continue to deepen their learning, practice and inner development. It offers deeper integration of the processes, a map for the manifestation process, and support for building your practice as a Certified Therapeutic Coach. This training prepares you for becoming an Assistant Coach in an upcoming training, and then a Mentor Coach.

You will gain additional skills with the Clear Beliefs Competencies and you will supervise new students. In addition to a full review of the course, participants are given mentoring by Mentor Coaches and teachers to uplevel their skills with each process and practice.  There are formal practice sessions with other graduates from past trainings. It is a rich community experience that takes you to an even deeper level of mastery.

What Graduates are Saying

Before I learned the Clear Beliefs Method, something was missing in my coaching. When clients wanted to fully explore an issue, I was scratching at the surface. Now I can take them deep feeling confident in my ability to bring them transformation. After learning these powerful yet practical methodologies, and hours of peer practice and feedback, I was able to fully integrate these methods into my practice.

Testimonial photo

Kathryn Grohusky

Leadership Coach

These practices are exceptionally powerful and life changing. My clients love the release and freedom they experience. This is a top of the line tool set for creating permanent change in others – and in oneself. I've studied many different disciplines, and in my opinion, it’s the best. I got what I wanted with extraordinary ease. I am moved, touched and inspired by the profound results that are available using this technology.

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Marcelo Celis

Business Coach

As coaches, we run right into our clients' blocks, struggles and challenges. I can now easily uncover the core beliefs that are underneath the difficulty – even when deeply buried. I can then clear it, opening space for them to achieve what they truly want. These skills are a monumental leap forward for coaches, healers, and therapists. The bonus is you get to do your own deep healing during the learning journey.

Testimonial photo

Nancy Smith

Clear Beliefs Coach

I am beyond grateful for this training. It was comprehensive, high quality, and transformative. The teachers are generous, sincere, and masters of their craft. I’ve learned effective cutting-edge tools that are transforming the lives of my clients. In addition, I identified and cleared the limiting beliefs, patterns and self-perceptions that were holding me back. It is an honor and joy to share what I’ve learned with my coaching clients.

Testimonial photo

Anna Brismar

Mindshift Coaching

Course Schedule

Belief Transformation Mastery

Part 1: 2-day Intensive

 Saturday and Sunday, September 14th & 15th
Live online classes via Zoom
9:00 am through 4:00 pm PT
(12 noon to 7 pm ET / 5 pm to midnight GMT)

Part 2: Weekly Classes and Practice Sessions

Begins September 24th: 12 Tuesdays, 9:00 to 11:00 am PT
12 noon to 2 pm ET / 8 to 10 pm GMT)

Practice Sessions with your Triad are scheduled at your convenience.

Classes are recorded for those who can’t attend.

Part 3: Advanced Therapeutic Methods for
Healing Childhood Wounds and
Resolving Traumas

 Begins January 7, 2025
9:00 am to 11:00 am PT
12 Live online classes via Zoom
(12 noon to 7 pm ET / 5 pm to midnight GMT)
plus Weekly Practices Sessions

Practice Sessions with your Triad are scheduled at your convenience.

Classes are recorded for those who can’t attend.


Belief Transformation Mastery
Levels 1 + 2

  • Introduction to Belief Transformation (Phase 1)
    • 2-day intensive, 6 hours each day
    • Saturday and Sunday, March 23rd & 24th
    • 25 videos and documents, scripts, demos, etc.
    • Experiential practice sessions during class
    • Access to our learning platform and library
  • Belief Transformation Mastery (Phase 2)
    • 12 live classes with demos, Q&A, exercises
    • 18+ Cohort Practice Sessions
    • Supervision by Mentor Coaches
    • 40 Training Videos and Documents
    • 10 Recorded Demos
    • 1-Year Access to the Learning Platform
    • 1-Year Access to the Library for Post-Course Study
    • Certification as a Certified Clear Beliefs Practitioner

Level 1 + 2 Together
or 4 payments of $1,250


Complete Clear Beliefs Coach Training
Levels 1 + 2 + 3

  • Includes Level 1 + Level 2 + Level 3
  • 20 live classes
  • Personal Supervision by Mentor Coaches
  • Assessment of Competencies
  • 80 Training Videos and Documents
  • 30 Peer Practice Sessions
  • Recorded and Live Demos
  • Full Access to the Learning Platform
  • Full Access to the Library for Post-Course Study
  • Bonus Program on Building Your Practice
  • Discounted Coaching Sessions with Lion
  • 40 hours of ICF CCEs or Association for Coaching Credits
  • Certification as a Certified Therapeutic Coach

Levels 1 + 2 + 3

or 6 payments of $1,600


Want to chat?

Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident that the Clear Beliefs Coach Training will support your journey as a professional coach, therapist, healer, or consultant, that I fully GUARANTEEit. If you complete all course requirements and then feel that you did not get your money’s worth, we will refund 100% of your tuition.

Click here for full description of Guarantee Terms & Conditions

Lion Goodman

Schedule a free 15-min consultation with Lion to discuss whether the Clear Beliefs Coach Training is right for you.

Schedule a chat at Or email us at [email protected]. We're happy to answer your questions.


Money Back Guarantee

Absolute Guarantee:
I am so confident that the Clear Beliefs Coach Training will support your journey as a professional coach, therapist, healer, or consultant that I GUARANTEE  it.  At the end of the training, if you have completed all of the assignments, if you feel you have not gotten your money’s worth, I will refund 100% of your tuition.

Click here for full description of Guarantee Terms & Conditions


Lion Goodman
Schedule a free 15-min consultation with Lion to discuss your unique situation to see if the Clear Beliefs Coach Training is right for you.

You may email us at [email protected]. We’re happy to help you in any way.


The Clear Beliefs Coach Training is a significant investment, and you should be sure that you get a significant return. Our goal is to deliver so much value that when it’s over, you think you paid too little (most graduates do).   

Prior to the training, most of our graduates were charging $100 to $300 per hour.  After gaining the Clear Beliefs skills, they’re able to provide deeply therapeutic coaching, enroll more clients, and increase their hourly fees accordingly.  To cover the cost of the course, you would need to add 36 coaching hours to your existing practice, or adding 3 new clients who register for a 3-month program. 

When you graduate, you are given the right to use Lion’s 7-part Clear Your Beliefs course with your clients – a convenient way to sell a 9-session package to your clients. This is Lion’s gift to you. You can also be listed as a coach on his websites, and participate in the growth of the Clear Beliefs Institute.  We hope you join us!

More Graduate Success Stories 

This was one of the most powerful and transformational trainings I've taken. I was amazed how quickly and fully blocks in my life opened up. I eliminated old triggers and judgements, and I created powerful new drivers for my life. I became a better coach, and the best ever version of me. I was able to re-connect with my family after a lifetime of disconnection, and for that, I'm eternally grateful! The best part was partner practice sessions, and the high quality of feedback I received from Assistant Coaches. This was my first exposure to this kind of work, but I'm now able to help my clients transform rapidly and create a better life.

Testimonial photo

Kimberly Lee

Eating Disorder Recovery Coach

The Clear Beliefs Training is a beautiful, safe and engaged learning environment. People felt safe to be vulnerable and authentic, and we were able learn, explore and transform together. I know that success is an inside job. People get stuck and don’t achieve what they want because of the stories they tell themselves, the beliefs that limit them, and the perspectives they hold. This impactful technology allows us to speak directly to the subconscious mind and create fast and lasting change from the inside out. If you want to help others improve their lives and get results, take this training.

Testimonial photo

Joanne Cary

Life Performance Coach